Thursday, September 10, 2009

Home Loan Modification Warning

This is a blog to warn weary consumers of the new scam out there. It is the loan modification program scam. I just learned the hard way.I had fallen behind on my mortgage and decided to look for help. I found a company that I thought was going to serve my needs, and put my trust in them.. They are now out of business with $3000.00 of my money and my house at the brink of foreclosure. I am in the process of filing a claim with the Attorney Generals office. I have already let the Better Buisness Bureau know the details of this debokel. This was a recommendation that my mortgage company gave me.  I got a call from the mortgage company and I was notified that I could have done this modification for no cost with them directly.  I am looking for a way to make sure this does not happen to anyone else. Please call your mortgage company directly first to see if they offer a plan to help you with your mortgage. If you decide to use one of these loan modification companies, make sure you follow up daily to get information concerning your account and the requirements needed to complete you modification within a couple of weeks. This process should only take 4-6 weeks  with all the information submitted. I found out that I was being scammed after 4 months of waiting. A good idea is to call your mortgage company after a couple of weeks and let them know you are going through the modification process and make sure they are recieving the information you are submitting to the modification company. I failed to do this as well and now I am at the brink of losing my home now. I am currently working with my mortgage company to try to settle my account but it will be real tough to come back from this. If anyone has experienced this scam, please let me know what you did to resolve or post your actions you took so I can let the hard working people of this country know we have these preditors in our own backyard. Please email me or post an opinion if this help anyone.
